Zaxcom Nomad 12, grabador multipista
Grabador multipista de Zaxcom.
6 previos de micrófono de bajo ruido.
12 pistas de grabación/ 18 buses de mezcla.
Zaxnet, Automixer, Neverclip, AES…
Compatible con todas las controladoras de Zaxcom.
Disponible para reserva
5.640,00 € (6.824,40 € Imp. Inc.)
Disponible para reserva
Nomad is a complete location sound recording system designed specifically for soundbag use, Nomad provides all the functionality necessary to mix and record in a power efficient space-saving package.
Differences Nomad Lite Nomad 10 Nomad 12
Recording Tracks 10 10 12
Total Mix Busses 6 16 18
Track mix busses 0 10 12
Automixer No 18 inputs 18 inputs
ZaxNet No Yes Yes
AES inputs No 8 channel 8 channel
USB recording No No Yes
Notch filter per ch. 2 2 2
Ext fader cont. Yes Yes Yes
Surround Decode Yes Yes Yes
There are three models of Nomad available to fit individual needs – Nomad Lite, Nomad 10 and Nomad 12. All version of Nomad feature 10 analog inputs with 6 mic pre amps featuring NeverClip. Nomad 10 and 12 has 3 pair of AES digital inputs with sample rate conversion. One pair can be configured as an AES42 input. All inputs can be mixed to 6 output buss over 4 XLR connectors and 3 TA5 connectors (two busses per TA5). Each output connectors that can be individually configured as line, mic and consumer output levels. There is also a mono and tape output. Nomad also has 4 balanced camera returns that double as balanced line level inputs. Nomad can record 10 or 12 tracks (model depend) on dual Compact Flash card. Files can be recorded up to 24 bit / 96KHz with a dynamic range of 137 dB. Nomad 10 adds ZaxNet compatibility. Nomad 12 the ability to record to a USB flash drive, and the ability to record MP3 files. To run our Nomad simulator download here, please note it only runs on a PC.